Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fall Festivities : Pumpkin Patch, Apple Festival Weekend, Halloween

Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch
As fall approached this year I was making big plans to take Miles to the famous Burts Pumpkin Farm. Unfortunately, time got away from us and we didn't get to go, which I was actually ok with. It's a long drive for a very expensive pumpkin. I think Miles will enjoy it more next year so we will give it another shot then. We did however, get to visit a local pumpkin patch with Grammie, Grampie, and Auntie Stacy. It couldn't have gone any better. Miles got to enjoy all sorts of fall activities and it was very low key which makes it a big WIN in my book. We had an improtu photo shoot and also got some great candids!

Figuring out the maze..

Leading the way

Hold still!

Ellijay Apple Festival Weekend!
It has been a tradition for several years to spend the weekend with my Kay-Tay-Tay in Ellijay during the October Apple Festival. Katie is my lovey lovey BFF. She is a lover of all things fall, just like me. We are both guilty of breaking out the fall scented candles in late August and we spend every day after that looking forward to our annual weekend together in the North Georgia Mountains at her family cabin. I totally dropped the ball on taking pictures of all the fun we had this year but I did manage to get s short photo session in with Miles (of course).

Miles tasting boiled peanuts for the first time. I will never forget my first year in Georgia. Every day my school bus passed a jagged piece of plywood painted white. In red painted sloppy handwriting said 'Boiled Peanuts". There were all kinds of differences between living in the north and living in the south, but no southern tradition struck me as odd as the concept of boiled peanuts. I was so disgusted by the concept until I tried them. Now, there are days that I make my husband drive me around like a pregnant woman until he finds me some hot boiled peanuts!

Miles loved them as much as I do. He tried to eat the shell and all!

 I had planned a fabulous photo shoot for this weekend, but we had a little too much fun on Friday night and whoops! I wasn't quite up to two hours of acting like a fool to get the perfect photo. Lucky for me my son is a saint and took a couple cute pictures in about 15 minutes. I find that I love the imperfect ones more than the perfect ones anyway!

This one is my FAVORITE! Nothing is as precious as my sweet boy laughing.

Lol! One of our many brilliant ideas that didn't pan out quite right.

Me, baby, and baby BooBoo's.


In all honesty, I could skip the actual Apple Festival. Matt and Katie think I am crazy but Sitting by the river with by BFF near, listening to the water rush by reading my Kindle and sneaking peaks at my husband and son playing is just about as good as it gets.

Halloween 2012
Well! This was pretty Anticlimatic. At 14/15 month Miles was a tad too young to really trick or treat and I knew that going into the evening but I love Halloween so I was excited anyways. What I didn't count on was having to literally rush home from work and tear my closet apart to find something to wear to fit in  with all the stay at home moms who waited at the corner perfectly groomed with their kids adorned in perfect, likely homemade, costumes. Those that know me well know I would have rather hid in my house with the lights off than participate in the neighborhood bs, but we make sacrafices for our children right? I hid behing the camera the whole time...which was about 15 minutes....but I did it. Grr. Next year....cocktails first! Anyway...I love these pictures of Miles and his daddy...they make me tear up everytime I look at them. I guess I just love seeing Miles love his daddy. GIDDYUP!

Look at him running to hang with the neighbors! This moment gave me major anxiety but I am so glad he isn't anti-social like his mama!

As you can see we have had a super fun filled fall thus far. Soon we will be off to Tampa for Thanksgiving and then Christmas will be right around the corner. I just love this time of year!!!!!

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