Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter in the North Georgia Mountains

Holidays are so much more fun when there are babies around. This Easter weekend has been by far my favorite Easter ever. The only thing missing was Auntie Lisa. :( We stayed in a beautiful cabin in the North Georgia mountains with my parents, Stacy, Lee, Bella, Boston, and Max. The family Easter bunny even snuck her way in!

It truly was a wonderful relaxing family weekend that as usual, revolved mostly around Miles and jockeying for position to get time with Miles.He got more cuddles than he knew what to do with but he enjoyed every minute.
Miles getting some snuggles in with Daddy.

Play time with Grampie! He loves his Grampie.

Miles thinks anytime is a good time for food, but it's always better when it comes from Gramie.

More Food. He likes it when it comes from Grampie too.

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails. That is what little boys are made of. Here is Miles learning about turtles from his Daddy. (I still say my sweet boy is made of sugar and spice and everything nice, but I can't get anyone else to buy into it.) 

We played A LOT of dress up and hair-do's. He was a trooper every step of the way and looked adorable no matter what his mommy and auntie did to him.

Look what I found!

The adults did find some time to have fun without Miles. Not sure if I would call this picture an example of Lee having fun or an example of Stacy having fun.

Check out my teef!

Miles' Easter Eggs!

Daddy's Easter Egg.

My future water baby. He LOVES the water and I can't not wait to get his slippery chunky butt in a pool!


Checking out his shadow!

A picture is worth a thousand words. I wonder what words this picture is worth?

Oh Auntie Stacy. What have you DONE TO ME?!?!?!?

Breezy afternoon naps. I think we all snuck one in.

Matt and Dad being clever after mom kicked them out of the cabin to enjoy the outdoors. Notice the TV pointing outside! I don't think this is what mom had in mind.

I just LOVE this picture, that smile, and that booty!

Having a fun bathtime with Auntie Stacy.

Mr. Max sneaking some lap time while Miles is sleeping.

Easter Morning Sunrise.

And now...A few of my favorites from Miles Easter Photo Shoot!

Checking out his Easter Basket

I find it sad that this weekend is coming to a close. It is so fun and funny and exciting and rewarding to watch my son grow and develop before my eyes. I feel like I could spend all day watching him get independent and scooch around to get to where he wants to go. His noises are no longer coos but pitches that match phrases that he hears me say. While he doesn't form full words yet, there is no doubt that he talks. He no longer wants his mommy to feed him, he would rather do it himself. I am so proud of his sweet, easy-going emerging personality. I am starting to understand what my mom means when she says "you will always be my baby".  Miles no longer even resembles the little bug I brought home from the hospital but he is still my baby.

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