Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today I turn 30 and I feel a little weird about it, but not in the way some might think. You'd expect it would feel sort of "mid-life-crisisish". I actually feel strange because I don't get that feeling. At all!! Today I feel so incredibly happy and content. I feel like I squeezed an enormous amount of life out of my twenties and when I reflect back on the past ten years I don't feel a moment of regret! The last year of my twenties will go down as one of the best in my lifetime.

For the last year I have worked at a property with an incredible group of people doing a job that I found challeging and that I felt succesful with. We all have our frustrations with work from time to time but I can say that if I must spend time away from my family, I am lucky to spend it with some of the people I work with. Not many people can say this about their job, company, co-workers, and bosses so I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity. I am so sad that my current job is coming to an end, but I am so excited for the opportunity that waits ahead of me (especially because the boss I love will be coming with me!).

I have spent more time with family this year than I have in many years and I have built and maintained some fabulous friendships. Growing up it was somewhat of a tradition to spend Sunday dinner at my Grandma and Grandpa's house and I treasure the many Sundays at my mother and father's house this year. My fabulous family and network of friends not only make my life fun and exciting, but I also feel supported and protected knowing they are around.

In the last year of my twenties I married a man that I have fun with, who makes me laugh and feel good about myself, who listens to my struggles and frustrations and supports me in my own decisions, who is held dear by all who know him, who has inspirational morals, and is handsome as can be.

Lastly, my 29th year provided me with my son. This guy truly brings sunshine to everyday of my life. He will continue to make me a better person with each passing day and will forever give additional purpose and importance to my life.

There have been some major bumps along the road over the past ten years and as my mom would say, I have "fallen off the bus" more times than I would like to admit. It has not been an easy ride but I feel like the hardwork and hard lessons have set the stage for the life I have always wanted. I am sure rough roads still lie ahead (this is the way life goes) but right now I feel like my butt is planted and belted in "on the bus" and I am on my way to the destination I have dreamed of.

So, no. I don't feel sad to be 30 at all! How could I? I have lived my life to the fullest and I have so much to look forward to! I am lucky and wish the same to everyone!

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