Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet Miles Bishop Boyd!

It's hard to believe that our son, Miles Bishop Boyd, was born almost three weeks ago on August 10, 2011. Our big boy was 21.5 inches long and weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds! We arrived at Northside Hospital for an induction on August 9th around 4:30 with our bags in hand and smiles on our faces. We were there until Sunday, August 14! It was a long and emotional stay that involved a C-Section and a little battle with jaundice, but we eventually got released and made the trip home to start our life together as a family of three!

Yep, I brought ALL this stuff with me to the hospital. lol.

So excited to meet baby Miles!

Papa getting a little concerned...

Time to meet Miles!


Doodle Bug found his thumb!

BIG Boy!!!

Cuddle time.

How cute!!

My handsome Glow Worm!!

Best Hubby...he brought some for my mom too. I cried. :)

Our family finally gets to go home!!

Boy oh boy, that first week was a tough one! It made me wonder how (any WHY) so many women sign up for the job of being a mother. By no means has Miles been a difficult baby, it was my own adjustment period that made things hard. It was as though my heart had grown so much bigger in such a short period of time that it wasn't capable of dealing with day to day worries, accomplishments, love, frustration, etc. There were tears of all kinds that week. My first trip outside the house was surreal, like one of those movie moments when sound stops and everything is in slow motion. I stood in the grocery store and looked around, almost in awe of all the mothers I saw. Now I know what it feels like to be a mother and I have a whole new respect for parents.
At the end of that week, the fog was beginning to clear and it was time for Miles first vacation! We filled the car with all things baby and we were on our way to meet grandmas and grandpas in Pensacola, FL. Thank goodness for this trip. Taking a week old baby on a trip might seem like a crazy thing to do, but I felt like it helped me regain my sanity. I had all the help I could ask for, and I was able to spend some quality time with my husband (this was a BIG deal for me. Many of the tears the week before were worry for what our relationship would be like with a baby at home. It was really sad for me to loose time with Matt at a time when I loved him more than ever....but as they say it gets easier. And it has.)
Papa couldn't wait to take his little boy swimming!

Miles and GeeDee doing some bonding.

Not sure if I should admit this...but I crack up everytime I look at this picture.
Does that make me a bad mom? 

Three Generations

Miles listening to his papa.

Life has been filled with so many exciting "firsts". Miles first vacation (where he had a huge blow out in the parking lot of guest check in that left mom and dad gagging in the parking lot). Miles first doctors appointment (where he peed AND pooped at me, Lisa, and the nurse). Miles first bath (good thing he got nice and clean just to pee all over himself and the floor before I could get his diaper back on). Miles first bbq with friends (where he managed to pee directly out of his diaper all over mom's shirt and pants). Seriously, this kid will pee, poop, and scream whenever and wherever he pleases. Good thing he is so cute because he has no shame. I'm still waiting to become shameless also, because while these things might not phase Mr. Miles, I still find public poop a little embarassing.

Matt getting Miles ready for his first bath.

Found the thumb again!

He loves his bath time!

Snuggie baby!

It seems like every day with Miles presents new challenges and new adventures. I am so extremely thankful to be able to tackle the challenges and enjoy the adventures alonside my phenomenal husband and with the support of our fabulous family and friends. Lots of Love till next time!

Haha!! Grumpy looks like the baby from Ghostbusters.

Hangin out

Looking like a big boy.

Our happy family

Miles meeting Bella for the first time.

All ready for bed!

Looking like a little peanut. Pictures where this baby looks small are rare.
As of his last doctors visit he was in the 98th percentile for his height and weight.
At 2.5 weeks he was 11 pounds!

1 comment:

  1. What precious pictures. It's hard to believe how big Miles is already. It's amazing how much Miles looks like my our great nephew Jackson. We didn't know you had to have a c-section. God bless your beautiful family of three and we can't wait to see you all soon.
    Love Jeannie and Mike
