Saturday, March 17, 2012

First St. Patricks Day

No time for commentary this morning...I'll let the pics speak fore themselves!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Day at the Park with Mr. Miles

Weeeeee!!!!!Yesterday we took our first family trip to Roswell Area Park. Who knew we had such a beautiful park right around the corner! It was beautiful weather and we had such a nice time. I am anticipating many more afternoons on the playground and eventually sitting in the stands cheering my little guy on at his first ball game. We got some great photos while we were there. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed taking them!
Miles and Daddy walking to the park.

First Time swinging. He LOVED it!!

Daddy teaching Miles all about baseball.

Miles getting aquainted with home plate...and then.......

.........doing what little boys do. Played in the mud, ate mud, and got dirty!

Daddy scrambling to keep Miles from eating mud.

Miles helping daddy get dirty too! He says "God made dirt so dirt don't hurt!"

A Day in the Life

Miles has really been busy lately. He sits all by himself, rolls and squirms his way across rooms, and has become much more expressive...espeacially when he is aggravted! Despite his very rare (and still cute) little tantrums he is truly a bundle of joy. Here are some day to day photos over the past couple of months.

Sooo sleepy!

Miles first sporting event. A GT basketball game.

He got to meet Buzz!

And then he fell asleep.

I just loved these baby shoes.

Splish Splash he was taking a bath!

Nana and Papa Bills visit from Tampa

All the Boyd cousins together

Miles and Brock telling secrets