Monday, June 20, 2011

It Takes a Village

Last weekend I was surprised with my much anticipated baby shower! It turned out fabulous and it was very apparent how much thought and work went into planning it. I am so grateful to the hostesses as well as to everyone who attended. On that day as I looked around the room the old African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" came to mind. I thought, "these are the people who will make up my baby boy's village". He is one lucky little boy! Matt and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

The Village!

Baby Shower Goodies

Things continue to progress with growing little Miles. My midwife says that I "rock out pregnancy". I guess that is a good thing! I hope I "rock out" motherhood too! Miles has made things pretty easy on me thus far but his father gets slightly annoyed with my ice cravings. Hearing "CRRRUUUNNNCH. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH " as he attempts to drift off to sleep every night is probably pretty obnoxious, but since my weight gain is still "on track" and not "off the charts", I'll take the ice craving over the ice cream craving any day (don't get me wrong, I still put away some ice cream but I did that before I got pregnant too!). I am officially an ice connoisseur and I am known by first name at every QT  between Alpharetta, Woodstock, and Kennesaw. It takes a very fine pallette to distinguish ice from different QT locations. No, they are NOT all the same, although my husband would say that they are. (The Kennesaw location off of Barrett has the best in case anyone needs some really high quality ice)


Although I think I will miss it when it is gone, for the time being I am just about over the fun of having a baby bump. At this point I don't think what I have is really even considered a bump. It's funny with pregnant bellys. They go from cute to cuter to "holy. shit. look how huge that pregnant girl's belly is. I can't stop staring at it." I am settling nicely into phase 3. This phase comes with other fun aspects of "motherhood" that need not be mentioned. Woo Hoo! I have spent plenty of time facebook stalking my pregnant friends in order to gawk at how freakishly huge their pregnant belly's are, so although I am no longer super excited about my belly pics, I will post them for all to gawk at. :)

24 Weeks

26 Weeks (We must have hit a growth spurt between 24 and 26!)

28 Weeks

Almost 33 weeks. Yes. I am aware that it doesn't look like I am going to make it to 40 weeks. :)

Ha! Cha Cha Cha Chaaanges!
Papa isn't so sure about giving up any of his precious space in the bed. 

Thats all for now folks. The next post will be nursery photos (promise!) and after that will most likely be baby pics!!! Lots of Love!!